Hoop Dreams
"The Great American Documentary" - Roger Ebert
One of the most acclaimed and successful documentaries ever, HOOP DREAMS tells the story of Arthur Agee, William Gates, and their families over a 4½ year period, covering the boys' entire high school careers as they pursue the elusive dream of professional basketball success.
Watch the Trailer
Roger Ebert's review
Hoop Dreams article on Wikipedia
(Blu-ray or NTSC DVD)
• Academy Awards, 1995 Nominated, Oscar Best Film Editing
• American Cinema Editors, USA 1995 Won Eddie Best Edited Documentary
• Boston Society of Film Critics Awards 1994 Won BSFC Award Best Documentary
• Chicago Film Critics Association Awards 1995 Won CFCA Award Best Picture
• Image Awards 1996 Nominated Image Award Outstanding News, Talk or Information Special
• International Documentary Association 1994 Won IDA Award Feature Documentaries
• Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards 1994 Won LAFCA Award Best Documentary
• National Board of Review 1994 Won NBR Award Best Documentary
• National Society of Film Critics Awards, 1995 Won NSFC Award Best Documentary
• New York Film Festival, 1994, Closing Night Presentation
• Sundance Film Festival 1994 Won Audience Award Documentary
• Prix Italia 1995 Won Special Prize for Documentary
• Peabody Award, 1996
• Festivals: Toronto, Sydney, Oslo, San Sebastian, London, Vienna, Seoul, Yamagata, Athens, Torino, Vancouver, Seattle, Denver, San Francisco, Halifax, Hamburg, Jerusalem, Belgrade
Higher Goals
HIGHER GOALS is the half hour, “stay-in-school” version of HOOP DREAMS. Broadcast nationally on PBS, it was nominated for an Emmy award as “Best Daytime Children’s Program.” With Tim Meadows of Sat. Night Live fame, along with NBA All-Star Isiah Thomas, William Gates, and Skip Dillard, the film also features a girl’s hoop dreams story - Kim Williams. “It reaffirms the value of sports,” (Chicago Tribune) “and it feels good!” (LA Times).
Higher Goals encourages young athletes to put their dreams of professional sports in perspective and focus on getting an education. The real life stories of two high school athletes demonstrate that the sports skills of practice and discipline can be applied to academics as well.